• HS 68 revitalizes the Mini Forest Park
    with a donation of indigenous trees
  • COL 68 provides scholarships to HEU students
    through the Endowment Fund
  • COL 73 acts as Godmothers
    to five scholars in the college

Alumni Giving

The generosity of our alumni is the school’s pride. You have shared in Miriam’s growth and in sustaining our reputation as a leading educational institution. There are various ways we can work together to continue the alumni giving tradition.

Support a Scholar


Miriam College aims to make quality education accessible to all by providing scholarships to deserving and talented students. We cannot overemphasize the immense value a good education can bring in improving the lives of young girls and women.

Learn more
  • “ As a Miriam College student, not only do I wish to become a woman of service, but a woman leader to inspire others in and out the borders of the school. I believe that being here in Miriam College is the perfect opportunity to achieve this dream ”

    Ma. Allison Mikayla Bobier BS Psychology
  • “I have been studying in Miriam College since Kindergarten. I am certain that I will continue to grow in the school that I have learned to love through the years ”

    Michelle Gador BA Communication
  • “I thank God for using you as an instrument to reach my dreams. The scholarship granted to me is one of my inspirations to become the best teacher that I can be ”

    Trisha Reine Grayda BS Child Development and Education
  • “I'm motivated to do better and strive to continue to be at the top 3 students of my batch. I plan on becoming a medical doctor someday - a pediatrician - and because of the cost of this dream requires, I am extremely grateful for this blessing ”

    Franchesca Lea Mejias BS Psychology

Improve School Facilities

Miriam College strives to make education relevant to our learners. The school provides not only quality programs but vibrant, conducive learning spaces and up-to-date learning technologies that complement our students’ learning and education.



Strengthen our Programs

The school is proud to be at the forefront of issues that affect our larger community. Gender, peace education, environmental sustainability, and innovation are crosscutting issues that strengthen our academic programs and student life. Miriam aims to harness valuable alumni expertise as faculty, speakers, and resource persons to add depth to her programs.




Give your Time

We believe the spirit of service lives on with our alumni. If you are looking for ways of giving your time, there are opportunities to help out with students, the Miriam partner communities, and your own batch.


Support Class Fundraising Projects

MC is extremely grateful for alumni batches that come up with creative ideas to fundraise for their class and for the school. Classes have fun ways to do this, and reaching out to them is just a call or text away.