Need Assistance?

We try our best to direct you, our alumni, to the right offices for our requests and queries. We hope this list helps!

Note that the trunkline is

(02) 8930-MCQC (6272)
Alumni Membership & Homecoming

For inquiries on your MMCAA alumni membership card or the Homecoming, contact the MMCAA:

Telephone: local 1187
Email: alumni@mc.edu.ph
Location: Caritas Building Room 112
Office Hours: M-F 8-5pm
Website: www.mcalumni.org

Mass intentions

For Mass intentions, please contact the HEU Campus Ministry Office:

Telephone: local 2190
Email: gisidro@mc.edu.ph (Ms. Adie Isidro, CMO Officer)
Office Hours: M-F 8-5pm


For following up your yearbook, contact the Office of Student Affairs:


Telephone: local 2045
Email: heustudentaffairs@mc.edu.ph
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8AM - 5PM


Telephone: local 3114
Email: beu@mc.edu.ph
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8AM - 5PM

Request for Documents from the BEU Registrar

Please email your request to the BEU Registrar

Email: beuregistrar@mc.edu.ph
Telephone: local 3114 or 3212 (available from Tuesday to Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM)
Mobile: 09274391239 (Calls are accepted from Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM)

Request for School Documents from the College Registar

Alumni may request for school documents such as diploma, TOR, certificates, and authenticated documents from the Registrar's Office. To know the types and cost of documents, please view the Request Form below:

1. Download the Request Form.

2. Secure clearance from the following:

     Library Media Center: college_lmc@mc.edu.ph; tamaro@mc.edu.ph
     Student Accounts: mcaccounting@mc.edu.ph; csinson@mc.edu.ph
     Office of Student Affairs (for undergraduate students only): pmarasigan@mc.edu.ph

3. Email the accomplished form to the HEU Registrar's Office: college_registrar@mc.edu.ph

For WES, ICAS, ICES and IQAS requests, together with your Transcript request, you will also need to send an accomplished request form from the verifying agency.

4.  The Registrar's Office will review your request and supporting documents. After verification, you will receive the total amount of fees and payment instructions.


For inquiries, contact the College Registrar through the following

Email: college_registrar@mc.edu.ph
Mobile: 09498874385
Telephone: local 2013 and 2016

Request documents from SDTEC / MAE

Please send your request to the Skills Development and Technical Education Center through: https://bit.ly/MCSDTECdocrequest  

For inquiries, email: mcsdtec-osa@mc.edu.ph

Request for Recommendation Letter

Students and alumni may request for recommendation letters from the HEU Guidance & Counseling Office. Recommendation letters are usually required for on-the-job trainings and application for a job or new school. 

1. Download and accomplish the Recommendation Letter Request Form.

2. Email the accomplished form to the HEU Guidance & Counseling Office emails mcheuguidance@mc.edu.ph.

3. Pay the processing fee at through BPI - Bills Payment (Over the Counter / Online Banking)
   Account Number: BPI CA#3081-111242
   Merchant Name: Miriam College Foundation, Inc.
   Reference Number: Student ID Number or Bank Reference Number
   Plan Holder’s Name: Name of Student

4. Email a Clear Copy of the Deposit Slip or confirmation page with your Name and Student ID Number to mcheuguidance@mc.edu.ph

5. Release of Recommendation Letter. You will receive an acknowledgment of payment and notice that your request has already been sent to the recipient School/Office.

Request for Good Moral Certificate

The Good Moral Certificate is provided by the HEU Office for Student Affairs. To request for this certificate, please email Ms. Susa Marasigan of the HEU Office of Student Affairs (OSA) at pmarasigan@mc.edu.ph .

Application to Academic Units

For applications to our various units, including the postgraduate program, contact the Admissions Office


Basic Education Unit

Telephone: CSC local 3321, Lower School/Middle School local 3212, High School local 3314
Email: beu@mc.edu.ph
Office Hours: M-F, 7:30am-4:00pm
Application Procedure and Requirements: www.mc.edu.ph/basiced/admissions

Miriam College Nuvali

Contact Number: +63 49 576-0987
Email: mc-nuvali@mc.edu.ph
Website: www.mc.edu.ph/nuvali

Higher Education Unit

Undergraduate and Postgraduate: local 8240
Email: coll-admissions@mc.edu.ph  Office Hours:
Undergraduate Program Webpage: www.mc.edu.ph/undergrad
Graduate Program Webpage: www.mc.edu.ph/graduate

Advocacy and other Centers on campus

Environmental Studies Institute (ESI)
Local 3560 | Email: cgarcia@mc.edu.ph
Website: www.mc.edu.ph/esi

Women and Gender Institute (WAGI)
Local 3590 | Email: wagi@mc.edu.ph
Website: www.mc.edu.ph/wagi

Center for Peace Education
Local 3550 | Email: cpe@mc.edu.ph
Website: www.mc.edu.ph/cpe

MC-Henry Sy, Sr. Innovation Center
Local 1266 | Email: hssic@mc.edu.ph
Website: www.mc.edu.ph/hssic

Center for Applied Music 
Local 3580 | Email: grunas@mc.edu.ph
Website: www.mc.edu.ph/music-center

Ballet Center
Contact Number: 09983638010 | Email: asd@mc.edu.ph
Website: www.mc.edu.ph/ballet-center


Can't find what you are looking for? Send an email to miriamcollegealumni@gmail.com and we will try our best to help.