Submit your Resume

CDPO has partnered with various industries to provide job and internship opportunities for Miriam College students. Submit your resume below to join the MC resume database for 2019 and allow us to forward your resume to appropriate industry partners.

This opportunity is open to all 3rd year up to graduating students, graduate students and alumni.

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    Please save and upload your resume in PDF format. Use this format to name your file: "LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.pdf"


    I hereby agree that Miriam College HEU Career Development and Placement Office may collect, use, disclose, and process my personal data for the purposes of sharing information with prospective employers, and creating a resume directory of current students. Requests for inspection, amendment, or restriction of records must be in writing and addressed to the Miriam College HEU Career Development and Placement Office and must specify the reasons for the request. Miriam College reserves the right to respond appropriately according to law.