Families for Peace

The Families for Peace aims to strengthen the positive well-being of families across various circumstances. The Families for Peace offers resources directed to parents and children undergoing conflicts brought about by these changing times. By combining theory and practice, family experts, educators, as well as, parent and children advocates, discuss the necessary skills to increase the competence of family members in dealing with crisis situations and challenging conditions.

About the Family Studies YouTube Channel:

The “Breakdown to Breakthrough” series are 10 online video resources by Family Studies experts and human care service providers to help families deal with the challenges that come with the Covid-19 pandemic. These videos will be posted Tuesdays-Thursday-Saturdays beginning March 31, 2020.

Breakdown to Breakthrough Teaser

A Mother’s Day Sonata

From Breakdown to Breakthrough Series  |  Episode 19

A mother’s love is like no other. A mother’s touch can heal a breakdown and her wisdom can inspire a   breakthrough. Let music express the love that words will never capture completely. Let this serenade convey our affection and  appreciation to all moms out there.

Happy Mother’s Day!

You Can’t Afford to be Misinformed

From Breakdown to Breakthrough series  |  Episode 18

With so much information being shared in new media today, there is a need to teach family members about the importance of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) because fake news spreads faster, causing a lot of confusion and division, sometimes between family members themselves.  

Communication expert, Lynda Garcia, MA, explains how we can promote health and safety through proper information dissemination. She cautions families about one of the biggest pandemic risks, viral misinformation and gives tips on how to avoid it.

Preserving a Father’s Peace of Mind during the Pandemic

From Breakdown to Breakthrough | Episode 16

“I would define a leader as a person who puts the welfare of the group above himself. It's the same thing with fathers." - Etan Thomas

Jerry Jurisprudencia, Ph.D., a registered psychologist and guidance counselor, provides the acronym A-N-A-K as a guide for fathers who try their best to wear a brave face everyday in order to protect and provide the needs of his family amidst the challenges brought forth by the Covid-19 pandemic.

How to Engage Children during the Home Quarantine

From Breakdown to Breakthrough | Episode 14

Forty-three days into the quarantine and parents are worried that their children have too much free time on their hands. 

Clarissa Mariano-Ligon, Ph.D. (Col 2001, Family Studies, 2018) shares the daily routine followed by her two boys to keep a sense of balance between individual and family activities. She gives a caveat to parents who are just too obsessed in keeping their kids very busy during the lockdown.

Care for Children with Special Needs

From Breakdown to Breakthrough |  Episode 13

The enhanced community quarantine has brought changes  in the routine children with special needs are accustomed to. Such changes can be confusing for them and overwhelming for parents who rely on health care professionals for their children’s special education.

SPED instructor and assessor, Ditas Tiamzon, Ph.D. offers ways to help families with special children during the lockdown. As a mother of two boys on the autistic spectrum, she shares how she creatively  manages the energy and emotions of her two amazing sons. 

Dr. Tiamzon is an MC alumna (Col ‘83 and PhD Family Studies ‘18). She teaches Special Education courses at the College of Education, Miriam College.