Miriam College is a premier women's college in the Philippines. Founded in 1924, Miriam College offers programs at the basic, tertiary, post-graduate and adult education levels.

The institution supports specialized centers engaged in curriculum development, research, community outreach and advocacy in the fields of social development, peace education, environmental studies and women’s empowerment.

  • Address : Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights Quezon City 1108 Philippines

  • Email Us : info@mc.edu.ph

  • Call Us : (+63 02) 8 930-MCQC (6272)

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  • Welcome to your
    borderless campus!
  • Your partner in
    quality online education

It is essential that MC is able to address the educational needs of the learners when they are affected by various circumstances. Learning Continuity (LC) is the educational management response of MC to ensure that the institution will not be vulnerable to disruptions. Its main priority is to protect the health and well-being of its students and employees while finding innovative ways to help students attain their educational goals. By presenting various pathways for LC, it is the goal of MC to continue to be committed in its vision to be a premier Filipino Catholic institution of learning that is responsive to the current challenges.

  • Statement of Philosophy

    Miriam College is a trailblazing institution of learning that is committed to provide excellent academic programs imbued with the Maryknoll spirituality of Christian discipleship and mission, social responsibility, and values of Truth, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.

  • Statement of Philosophy

    Miriam College’s strategic direction towards fulfilling its significant role in leading innovation and transformation in Philippine education embodies the context of quality, relevance and sustainability. The quality of programs and implementation remains the top priority of the institution, which defines its high standard of education.

  • Statement of Philosophy

    The primary goal of Miriam College in whatever circumstance is learning continuity and education for all. The school undertakes a consultative and collaborative decision-making process by coordinating with all stakeholders to assess the most appropriate and relevant decisions to undertake, especially during times of uncertainties.

  • Statement of Philosophy

    The creation of the Online Campus at Miriam College is supportive of the institutional directions on innovation, inclusion, and relevance in today’s mission for the society, the learners and their respective families, the teachers, the staff, the school leaders, and the education partners that put meaning and purpose in the school’s existence.



KNowledge and OnLine LEarning Resource or KNOLLER is a learning portal where students can access the following activities and resources:

  • Academic lectures & demonstrations
  • Assessments
  • Online library subscriptions
  • Guidance & counselling
  • Peer support & interaction
  • Online academic consultations
  • Leadership development, advocacy building,spiritual growth, & student wellness activities
  • For the Higher Education Unit, resources will also include the following:

  • International opportunities, partnerships & linkages
  • Career opportunities
  • Advocacy programs & opportunities
  • Research & community engagement

Learning Management System (LMS)

The school used G Suite for Education since SY 2020-2021 in all academic units. This decision was made after considering security and data privacy, functionality and adaptability, cost, accessibility/mobile friendliness, migration and integration, licensed source, reporting and analytics, customer support, simple and easy to follow user interface.

This learning management system includes a set of tools and apps for teaching and learning, including Google Classroom. In addition, Grades 6 to 12 students will continue to have access to Genyo.




A year into Online Distance Learning (ODL) and we are still learning and growing. My Knoller Story is a collection of narratives by parents, teachers, and students, from the Miriam College campus systems. Together we build on each other's narratives of challenging yet fun times.

"Our process is also found in the quiet moments"
- Janine Del Mundo, a Psychology Major from the Department of Psychology

"I really appreciate the time when we collaborate on projects and our kamustahan sessions".
- Vanessa Garcia, Environmental Planning and Management Major from the Department of Environment

"Just being one with like-minded classmates and professors for me inspires confidence."
- Noemi Tirona, a Graduate Student from the Department of Environment


Overview of the Academic Program

The current goal of MC is to provide a learning space and mode of delivery for students to continue their education, in the form of an online campus. It acknowledges that its students are currently located in various learning contexts; hence, the program offerings have been redesigned with versatility and flexibility as the main features of its content and mode of delivery.
The focus is to engage students in a flexible learning which is a combination of online asynchronous and synchronous learning activities and when necessary, offline modalities that aim to achieve priority curricular goals per academic level. In this manner, students from pre-school to graduate school will have access to continued education with greatest versatility for independent or collaborative learning and interaction.
MC shall continue to ensure that all members of the community are provided a safe and comfortable teaching-learning environment where activities are balanced for holistic development.

In the event of a long-term implementation of online learning, the school shall strengthen its structures to support the welfare, well-being, and needs of community members while maximizing technology and online platforms most especially in addressing mental and emotional health. Regular and periodic checks of both the social and IT infrastructure shall also be conducted.
Prioritization of content: The school curriculum will prioritize significant topics (knowledge and skills) in the learning plans without sacrificing learning objectives.

Learner-centered: Miriam College views the learner at the center of the educational process. The school understands that learners come from different contexts and their differences and disparities determine their varying capacities to adapt to learning. Validation of outcomes from multiple scientific inquiries will ensure sound decisions and recommendations.

Multi-disciplinarity, inter-disciplinarity, and multi-dimensionality : The Curriculum will connect or merge segmented or separate programs and activities, rather than offering them individually. The school must ensure the relevance of the teaching-learning experience.

Value-laden: The programs will remain to be infused with Christian values aimed at forming leaders in service who combine competence and compassion. Academic concepts must be translated into real-life problems and solutions, and have strong integration with values formation. Doing so will not only create more meaning but also promote adaptability and yield greater sustainability in the long run.

Socio-emotional and essential skills: Whenever applicable, teachers should focus on building students’ essential skills (i.e., communication, leadership, problem-solving), emphasizing how one’s actions have effects on others. The earlier these concepts are understood by and ingrained in students, the more equipped they will be to adapt to this new normal.
All members of the community shall continue to conduct themselves with appropriate and professional demeanor on all online platforms. This includes appearance and clothing, language and tone, non-verbal communication such as gestures and eye-contact, and the use of official / appropriate email addresses and handles.


Below are the device and connectivity requirements for Online Campus access






  • Laptop or Desktop Computer
  • OS: Windows 7/10 or Mac OS 10.12
    Processor: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
    Memory: 4 GB
    Audio: Headphones with microphone
    Storage: 500 GB
    With Camera
  • DSL / Fiber
    Minimum Requirement: 1.5 Mbps


  • Smart phone or tablet / iPad

  • OS: Android 9.0 or
    iOS 12.0 for iPad or iPhone

  • Mobile data or WiFi



Application is open.

Learn more about MC NUVALI
Learn more about MCQC BEU
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Application is open for SY 2021-2022

Learn more about the HEU
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Responsive image

In the interest of safety, the Basic Education Units and Higher Education Units will continue with online learning delivery mode next SY, 2021-2022, via KNOLLER. Online learning will also continue at MC Nuvali.

Should government lift restrictions, some laboratory-based classes in the HEU may consider face-to-face classes following government regulations. However, online distance learning will continue to be the primary delivery mode of instruction.

Testimonials from parents about Online Distance Learning (ODL) in MC
  • “I am very happy how this is going. We were able to cope. At the beginning, ang hirap. The curriculum, how you present everything, I am happy about it.”

    Grade 1 Parent
  • “Thank you teacher! You are very warm I witness that in class You are very good in what you are doing!”

    Grade 1 Parent
  • “We really appreciate your devotion and your commitment to our daughters' education”

    Grade 4 Parent
  • “Hindi ako nagsisi na pinasok ko pa rin sa MCLS ang anak ko. Kasi nung una nagddoubt ako kung mag ODL ba siya. Pero sobrang happy ko. Salamat sa mga teachers at admin. Alam kung mahirap ang ginagawa niyo Na aappreciate po namin kayo”

    Grade 2 Parent
  • “ I am happy with what Miriam is doing […] I like the marking system. It allows student’s progress.”

    Grade 1 Parent
  • “ Fully satisfied with how the school is helping us in ODL. Thank you very much po.”

    Grade 1 Parent
  • “ I want to thank everyone because you are really trying your best. My daughter has been adjusting well and has established a routine.”

    Grade 3 Parent
  • “ We see the continued improvement and teachers in Miriam are really organized compared to other schools...”” ”

    Grade 3 Parent

Get in touch with us!

MCQC Basic Education:

MCQC Higher Education:

MC Nuvali: