Miriam College is a premier women's college in the Philippines. Founded in 1924, Miriam College offers programs at the basic, tertiary, post-graduate and adult education levels.

The institution supports specialized centers engaged in curriculum development, research, community outreach and advocacy in the fields of social development, peace education, environmental studies and women’s empowerment.

  • Address : Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights Quezon City 1108 Philippines

  • Email Us : info@mc.edu.ph

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25 June 2020

Dear Members of the Miriam College Community, our dear Alumni, and Friends,

We heard and we listened to the pain- anger- frustration-driven Twitter messages on the purported inappropriate behavior of a few male teachers in our High School through the years. It pained us to know that said stories could be told in what we proudly call “a caring institution.” Please be assured that we have promptly initiated investigation of these reports and will take appropriate steps to resolve the situation. 

We want all our teachers to be role models in leading their students towards well-being in partnership with the parents of our students leading their families.  

We also do not want our students to fear retribution nor faculty members to fear lack of due process when cases such as the ones tweeted about are raised. It is thus to allay fear and to build trust in the Miriam College system that, aside from the present Academic unit mechanisms, we likewise move towards an institutional mechanism that will promote trust in the process, based on a culture of Christ-like understanding. This mechanism will be called the Justice, Truth, and Reconciliation Institutional Committee that will initiate a serious review of the cases in the past and the resolution of these cases. This institutional Committee, independent of any existing committees will also look into and act on the current cases, if any, and to recommend appropriate steps. And in the end, we hope that closures will be achieved, and reconciliation becomes possible. 

Beyond the formation of this Committee, Miriam College will undergo a serious process of self-criticism to re-define more deeply the meaning of Justice—especially in its restorative sense in addition to our lessons on social equity and distributive justice–so that our community will understand its meaning and realize that Love without Trust is meaningless. 

We acknowledge that in any relationship, despite one side doing what it considers the “right thing”, the other side will consider it as not good enough. 

On behalf of my fellow administrators, past and present, the Unit Heads, the administration of other units, the faculty of Miriam College in all levels, I wish to express to our Community, Alumni, and Friends our profound sadness for the pain and anger that the school system’s various members may have caused.  

I wish to assure everybody that Miriam College will do better as it moves forward to serve other communities beyond our physical borders, and it will continue to produce graduates who are empowered not for themselves alone, but so they could help the powerless. And in the end, we can truly call ourselves “a caring institution.” 





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