From the 16th to the 25th of September 2022, two (2) fourth-year MC-IS students, Renee Janine Jumawan and Sofia Merced Adasa participated in the 7th ASEAN Foundation Model ASEAN Meeting 2022 (7th AFMAM 2022) which was conducted virtually. The 7th AFMAM 2022 was held in conjunction with the 27th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur under the chairmanship theme of Cambodia “ASEAN A.C.T.: Addressing Challenges Together.”
Jumawan and Adasa were among the distinguished applicants selected together with other participants from the ten (10) ASEAN member states. The students fulfilled the role of Foreign Ministers of Singapore and Indonesia respectively in the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Meeting. Moreover, Adasa also served as Head of Government of the Indonesian Delegation.
During the Simulation of the ASEAN Summit on the 17th of September, Adasa, representing Indonesia, delivered her Opening Speech along with other heads of Government of the ASEAN member states. Moreover, throughout the intensive 2-week conference, the MC-IS students were able to complete the Sectorial Body Meetings to Community Council Meetings. Furthermore, Jumawan was awarded as the ASCC’s Best Delegate Minister among all the other partaking delegates from different ASEAN countries.
As both students successfully concluded their participation in the 7th AFMAM 2022, they were able to deepen their understanding of ASEAN’s importance, as well as its functions including its pillars. This experience has enabled the students to also appreciate the unique and dynamic role of ASEAN in our region.
Along with the MC-IS student’s outstanding participation in Model ASEAN Meetings and other international conferences, they are participating in the upcoming 7th Miriam College International Studies- Model United Nations on the 25th and 26th of November. These kinds of opportunities in the International Studies program enable MC-IS students to be equipped with pertinent competency and skills such as effective communication and diplomatic skills which are required in the field of international relations.
By: Sofia Merced Adasa