Miriam College is a premier women's college in the Philippines. Founded in 1924, Miriam College offers programs at the basic, tertiary, post-graduate and adult education levels.

The institution supports specialized centers engaged in curriculum development, research, community outreach and advocacy in the fields of social development, peace education, environmental studies and women’s empowerment.

  • Address : Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights Quezon City 1108 Philippines

  • Email Us : info@mc.edu.ph

  • Call Us : (+63 02) 8 930-MCQC (6272)

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Peace and Conflict Resolution Education

This certificate program is a response to the need for a capacity-building program addressed to interested professionals who are either working within the formal school system or who may be working in other fields and careers that can benefit from the knowledge, tools/skills and value-orientations that would be learned in the said certificate program.

What Will I Study?

The course introduces the fundamental and holistic concepts related to peace. It will also discuss the contemporary issues of war and many other forms of violence at the personal, interpersonal, national and global levels, including their consequences on the human condition and the planetary situation.
The course deals with the psychological knowledge that is behind peace, such as the psychological causes and consequences of violence; personal, family and community lifestyles and practices that contribute to peace; challenging bullying and discrimination; changing attitudes into more peaceable ones.
The course provides a critical understanding of the philosophical, spiritual and ethical foundations of nonviolence. It will also study the socio-political movements that have brought about nonviolent change and transformation around the world. Finally, it will present ways by which nonviolent strategies can be more effectively utilized.
In this course, students will learn to analyze conflicts as well as develop skills and practical strategies in conflict prevention, resolution and transformation.
The course will focus on the fundamental knowledge base, skills and value orientations that comprise this field of transformative education. Hence, it will provide a comprehensive study of the content, teaching-learning strategies, attributes of the peace educator, the whole school approach and related topics. Because this is the final course in the certificate program, students will be asked to reflect on their vocation as a peacebuilder in an integrative essay.

Why take Peace and Conflict Resolution at MC?

  • MC is the pioneer of Peace Education
  • Faculty are specialists in Peace Education and are connected with NGOs, govt agencies that work on the peace process
  • Total Program Units: 15 units of course work
  • Standard Completion Time: 6 months


Career Path

  • Peace Education teachers
  • Teachers
  • Government and Community Workers